Lavinya v6 rc1 ücretsiz Joomla şablonu (Joomla 1.5 için) yayınlandı.
Ücretsiz (Gnu / Gpl)
Geçerli W3C XHTML 1.0 Geçiş Kodu
Joomla 1.5 uyumlu
CSS / Tablosuz Tasarım
Erişilebilir – Bölüm 508 ve WAI
Seo optimize edildi.
Ve diğerleri.
1 Kasım’ı Düzenle: Eski dosyalar silindi. Lütfen bu dosyayı yeniden indirin.
02 Şubat 2008’de düzenleme: Tüm eski dosyalar silindi. Yeni versiyon yayınlandı. Lütfen indirin ve yeni sürüme yükseltin.
bağlantı kaldırıldı. lütfen sunucu yöneticileriyle iletişime geçin …
“Lavinya v6 Free Joomla Template for Joomla 1.5 Released” için 23 yanıt
Very nice template but one small drawback. The space between two columns in the blog type of articles display is too small, so I would like to increase it. Could you help?
I enjoy your site very much! THANK YOU
Hi, all. Nice site…I really like your site ! Good job man.h
This is very interesting sitew
Your site is very interesting and usefulb
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!!
Many interesting information on your site – keep up good worke
Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.l
Fascinating site and well worth the visit. I will be backe
This is very interesting site…h
Just serfed in. Great site, guys!
Ron; thanks.
how’s that ?
Wow!!! Good job. Could I take some of yours triks to build my own site?
You guys do a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!!!b
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Hi euge.
1. Upload your header image to yourjoomladirectory/templates/lavinyav6/images/
example: 1.jpg, 2.jpg…
2. (Optional) Open yourjoomladirectory/templates/lavinyav6/index.php
find < ?php echo rand(1,2) ?>
replace, change your values…
how can i change the header image?? i can´t find it in the template.css
Hello Copes Flavio. Thanks for comment. But I’m not speaking italian. 🙁
More features for lavinya v6: Best design 🙂 , nice colors ..
Lavinya v6 rc2 template (for joomla 1.5) Schedule:
Next version Monday, October 7th: Lavinya v6 rc2
I like you website
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
EN: Please send me bugs and extra features.
TR: Lütfen olası hataları ve ek özellikleri bildirin.